Iphone Battery Life Warranty forever
your iphone battery, ipad, does not last long enough, discover six tips to optimize the life of your battery.
1-Battery status:
check the state of your battery, the duration of use from the first day activation.
2- -Charging the battery.
do not recharge your iphone or ipad battery more than twice a day, the third time with a power bank.
3- specific battery charger for iphone and ipad.
do not use powerful chargers to charge your iphone because the faster the battery charges, the more the battery is damaged. I recommend a charger with a maximum rating of 2.5w or 3.5w.
4-turbo charger [ very bad for all iphones ]
I advise you to avoid 6w,8w,16w,20w,26w,30w turbo chargers.
.5-turn on dark mode [ios 13 upg]
6-activate the optimized charging option.
updating to the lastest version also can minimze battery status
if you need help